How To Live Stream To Multiple platforms

Live Stream To Multiple platforms

streaming live streaming is an emerging trend in this internet age. The tendency to consume video-based content is increasing high this year. Making it compulsory for businesses and brands to utilize live streaming in their business marketing strategy. Every brand used to host an array of events, whether virtual or simply in-person. And to attract more customers in place it is required to always introduce new methods. Here the incorporation of a live-streaming platform comes into the game. 

The charm of virtual events is getting lost in some sense, but enhanced demand for live streaming is at its all-time highest. As in the physical event, it can be possible for the host to accommodate everyone while not feasible for everyone to go and attend. However, the event audience is not limited to any particular social networking site and every platform has its own fanbase. So, to attract all in one place, leveraging multistreaming services can be the best bet. 

Here in this blog, we are going to discuss multistreaming services and how to stream on multiple platforms simultaneously. But let’s start with some important aspects of it. 

Multistreaming: What is it?

Multistreaming is the process of simultaneously streaming a live video to several locations or platforms. With multistreaming, you simply need to produce one stream and select the platforms you want to use to distribute it, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, LinkedIn, Twitter, a website, etc.  In a moment, we’ll talk more about selecting the best multistreaming tools and destinations.

What Distinguishes Simulcasting from Multistreaming?

Although simulcasting and multistreaming have similar definitions and are frequently used interchangeably, there are several significant distinctions in the two terms’ histories and meanings. The term “simulcasting” originally referred to the simultaneous broadcast of a radio or television program on several stations. The term “multistreaming” has been used to refer specifically to live streaming to numerous locations at once as technology has improved and live streaming to multiple platforms has become possible (ie: Facebook, YouTube, and so on).

The Advantages of Multistream?

Compared to live streaming to one location, multistreaming has special benefits. Multistreaming offers a range of advantages, from expanding your audience to streamlining comments in one place. Let’s deep dive into some of the important benefits of multi-streaming services. 

Extend Your Horizons?

Expanding your audience is one of the multistreaming’s main advantages. Broadening your audience is possible when you Livestream to several platforms at once. The more platforms you multi-stream to, the more options you’re creating to connect with people as not everyone has a Facebook account, or LinkedIn profile, or even understands.

Additionally, the more you can broaden your audience on other platforms, the more brand recognition you’ll build on each. Brand recognition is directly related to loyalty, which can help you in the expansion of your audience and keep informed about your brand’s updates. 

Make Viewer Comments More Timely?

It might take a lot of time to verbally answer questions and comments from viewers, especially if you have to do it across several social media platforms. Some live streaming platform technologies, like Dreamcast, consolidate viewer comments from all locations, enabling you to quickly access and address all of your viewers’ inquiries in one location.

Become More Aware of the Preferences of Your Audiences?

Particularly with audiences spread across many social media channels, no two audiences are exactly alike. It’s not a given that content that does well on one platform will also perform well on another.

Learning more about the kinds of material that your audiences on many live-streaming platforms prefer can be done by multistreaming. Let’s imagine, for illustration, that you broadcast a regular Q&A session that does well on Facebook. You might attempt multistreaming to YouTube and discover that Q&A content on that platform has minimal engagement, or you might try multistreaming to LinkedIn and discover that certain Q&A streams perform incredibly well. Your consumers’ preferences for live video content can be ascertained through multistreaming. Make sure to evaluate what functions well and what does not, and then modify your multistreaming content and destinations as necessary.

Be More Productive?

The proverb “work smarter, not harder” really comes to me when I consider multistreaming. Livestreams can maximize their time and avoid duplicating their content development efforts across numerous platforms by multistreaming.

By multistreaming, you may prevent a disconnect between your audiences by allowing them to view your material in real time across all of your channels rather than going live on various platforms at various times or reposting broadcasts on those sites later.

How to Go Live on Multiple Platforms?

After discussing what multistreaming is and its advantages, let’s talk about how to broadcast live on various platforms. Selecting the right live streaming service provider that supports multistreaming is the first step to moving forward. You have three alternatives to select from depending on your requirements:

Encoders made of hardware: This is the only choice that involves a real-world object. Although hardware encoders don’t require a computer and have their own processing power, you still need a fast internet upload speed to create a high-quality feed. Aside from multistreaming, many hardware encoders are pricey and lack further functions.

Software encoders: These encoders are browser-based, but they also need a powerful computer and a fast internet connection to function. Your live feeds will be of worse quality since you need more bandwidth when streaming to more locations.

Platforms that are cloud-based: Unlike the other possibilities, platforms that are cloud-based don’t need any additional hardware or bandwidth. A network of servers is used by cloud-based companies to broadcast your live streams to the locations you specify.

At last, there is just one thing you as a host need to keep in mind which is hiring a professional live-streaming service provider. As they are equipped with all kinds of encoders, software, and equipment to take advantage of multi-streaming services. 

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